Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design – James K. Wight, CONTENTS:
Chapter 1 Introduction
1-1 Reinforced Concrete Structures
1-2 Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete
1-3 Reinforced Concrete Members
1-4 Factors Affecting Choice of Reinforced Concrete for a Structure
1-5 Historical Development of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete as Structural Materials
1-6 Building Codes and the ACI Code
CHAPTER 2 The Design Process
2-1 Objectives of Design
2-2 The Design Process 12
2-3 Limit States and the Design of Reinforced Concrete 13
2-4 Structural Safety 17
2-5 Probabilistic Calculation of Safety Factors
2-6 Design Procedures specified in the ACI Building Code
2-7 Load Factors and Load Combinations in the 2008 ACI Code
2-8 Loadings and Actions 27
2-9 Design for Economy 37
2-10 Handbooks and Design Aids 38
2-11 Customary Dimensions and Construction Tolerances 39
2-12 Accuracy of Calculations 39
2-13 “Shall be Permitted” 39
2-14 Inspection 39
Chapter 3 Materials
3-1 Concrete 41
3-2 Behavior of Concrete Failing in Compression 41
3-3 Compressive Strength of Concrete 44
3-4 Strength Under Tensile and Multiaxial Loads 56
3-5 Stress-Strain Curves for Concrete 64
3-6 Time-Dependent Volume Changes 70
3-7 High-Strength Concrete 83
3-8 Lightweight Concrete 85
3-9 Fiber Reinforced Concrete 86
3-10 Durability of Concrete 88
3-11 Behavior of Concrete Exposed to High and Low Temperatures 89
3-12 Shotcrete 90
3-13 High-Alumina Cement 90
3-14 Reinforcement 90
3-15 Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement 96
3-16 Prestressing Steel 97
Chapter 4: Flexure: Behavior and Nominal Strength of Beam Sections
4-1 Introduction 103
4-2 Flexure Theory 106
4-3 Simplifications in Flexure Theory for Design 117
4-4 Analysis of Nominal Moment Strength for Singly Reinforced Beam Sections 122
4-5 Definition of Balanced Conditions 128
4-6 Code Definitions of Tension-Controlled and Compression-Controlled Sections
4-7 Beams with Compression Reinforcement 139
4-8 Analysis of Flanged Sections 147
4-9 Unsymmetrical Beam Sections
Chapter 5: Flexural Design of Beam Sections
5-1 Introduction 167
5-2 Analysis of Continuous One-Way Floor Systems 167
5-3 Design of Singly-Reinforced Beam Sections with Rectangular Compression Zones
5-4 Design of Doubly-Reinforced Beam Sections 211
5-5 Design of Continuous One-Way Slabs 218
Chapter 6: Shear in Beams
6-1 Introduction 233
6-2 Basic Theory 235
6-3 Behavior of Beams Failing in Shear 240
6-4 Truss Model of the Behavior of Slender Beams Failing in Shear 251
6-5 Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams for Shear—ACI Code 257
6-6 Other Shear Design Methods 283
6-7 Hanger Reinforcement 287
6-8 Tapered Beams 289
6-9 Shear in Axially Loaded Members 290
6-10 Shear in Seismic Regions 294
Chapter 7: Torsion
7-1 Introduction and Basic Theory 300
7-2 Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Members Subjected to Torsion 311
7-3 Design Methods for Torsion 313
7-4 Thin-Walled Tube/Plastic space Truss Design Method 313
7-5 Design for Torsion and Shear—ACI Code 327
7-6 Application of ACI Code Design Method for Torsion 333
Chapter 8: Development, Anchorage, and Splicing of Reinforcement
8-1 Introduction 354
8-2 Mechanism of Bond Transfer
8-3 Development Length 360
8-4 Hooked Anchorages 368
8-5 Headed and Mechanically
8-6 Design for Anchorage 375
8-7 Bar Cutoffs and Development of Bars in Flexural Members 380
8-8 Reinforcement Continuity and Structural Integrity Requirements 390
8-9 Splices 406
Chapter 9: Serviceability
9-1 Introduction 412
9-2 Elastic Analysis of Stresses in Beam Sections 413
9-3 Cracking 418
9-4 Deflections of Concrete Beams 428
9-5 Consideration of Deflections in Design 436
9-6 Frame Deflections 446
9-7 Vibrations 446
9-8 Fatigue 448
Chapter 10: Continuous Beams and One-way SLabs
10-1 Introduction 452
10-2 Continuity in Reinforced Concrete Structures 452
10-3 Continuous Beams 456
10-4 Design of Girders 475
10-5 Joist Floors 476
10-6 Moment Redistribution478
Chapter 11: Columns: Combined Axial Load and Bending
11-1 Introduction 481
11-2 Tied and Spiral Columns 483
11-3 Interaction Diagrams 488
11-4 Interaction Diagrams for Reinforced Concrete Columns 490
11-5 Design of Short Columns 509
11-6 Contributions of Steel and Concrete to ColumnStrength 525
11-7 Biaxially Loaded Columns 527
Chapter 12: Slender Columns
12-1 Introduction 540
12-2 Behavior and Analysis of Pin-Ended Columns 545
12-3 Behavior of Restrained Columns in Nonsway Frames 563
12-4 Design of Columns in Nonsway Frames 568
12-5 Behavior of Restrained Columns in Sway Frames 578
12-6 Calculation of Moments in Sway Frames Using Second-Order Analyses 580
12-7 Design of Columns in Sway Frames 585
12-8 General Analysis of Slenderness Effects 602
12-9 Torsional Critical Load 602
Chapter 13: Two-way Slabs: Behavior, Analysis and Design
13-1 Introduction 606
13-2 History of Two-Way Slabs 608
13-3 Behavior of Slabs Loaded to Failure in Flexure 608
13-4 Analysis of Moments in Two-Way Slabs 611
13-5 Distribution of Moments in Slabs 615
13-6 Design of Slabs 621
13-7 The Direct-Design Method 626
13-8 Equivalent-Frame Methods 641
13-9 Use of Computers for an Equivalent-Frame Analysis 662
13-10 Shear Strength of Two-Way Slabs 668
13-11 Combined Shear and Moment Transfer in Two-Way Slabs 687
13-12 Details and Reinforcement Requirements 703
13-13 Design of Slabs Without Beams 709
13-14 Design of Slabs with Beams in Two Directions 731
13-15 Construction Loads on Slabs 742
13-16 Deflections in Two-Way Slab Systems 742
13-17 Use of Post-Tensioning 746
Chapter 14: Two-way slabs: Elastic and Yield-line analyses
14-1 Review of Elastic Analysis of Slabs 753
14-2 Design Moments from a Finite-Element Analysis 755
14-3 Yield-Line Analysis of Slabs: Introduction 757
14-4 Yield-Line Analysis: Applications for Two-Way Slab Panels 764
14-5 Yield-Line Patterns at Discontinuous Corners 773
14-6 Yield-Line Patterns at Columns or at Concentrated Loads 775
Chapter 15: Footings
15-1 Introduction 780
15-2 Soil Pressure Under Footings 780
15-3 Structural Action of Strip and spread Footings 789
15-4 Strip or Wall Footings 795
15-5 Spread Footings 799
15-6 Combined Footings 806
15-7 Mat Foundations 815
15-8 Pile Caps 816
Chapter 16: Shear friction, Horizontal shear transfer, and Composite concrete beams
16-1 Introduction 820
16-2 Shear Friction 820
16-3 Composite Concrete Beams 831
Chapter 17: Discontinuity Regions and Strut-and-tie model
17-1 Introduction 841
17-2 Design Equation and Method of Solution 844
17-3 Struts 844
17-4 Ties 850
17-5 Nodes and Nodal Zones 851
17-6 Common Strut-and-Tie Models 863
17-7 Layout of Strut-and-Tie Models 866
17-8 Deep Beams 870
17-9 Continuous Deep Beams 883
17-10 Brackets and Corbels 894
17-11 Dapped Ends 905
17-12 Beam-Column Joints 910
17-13 Bearing Strength 922
17-14 T-Beam Flanges 924
Chapter 18: Walls and Shear Walls
18-1 Introduction 930
18-2 Bearing Walls 933
18-3 Retaining Walls 936
18-4 Tilt-Up Walls 937
18-5 Shear Walls 937
18-6 Lateral Load-Resisting Systems for Buildings 938
18-7 Shear Wall-Frame Interaction 939
18-8 Coupled Shear Walls 941
18-9 Design of Structural Walls—General 945
18-10 Flexural Strength of Shear Walls 955
18-11 Shear Strength of Shear Walls 962
18-12 Critical Loads for Axially Loaded Walls 972
Chapter 19: Design For Earthquake Resistance
19-1 Introduction 982
19-2 Seismic Response Spectra 983
19-3 Seismic Design Requirements 988
19-4 Seismic Forces on Structures 992
19-5 Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Members 995
19-6 General ACI Code Provisions for Seismic Design 997
19-7 Flexural Members in Special Moment Frames 1000
19-8 Columns in Special Moment Frames 1012
19-9 Joints of Special Moment Frames
19-10 Structural Diaphragms
19-11 Structural Walls
19-12 Frame Members not Proportioned to Resist Forces Induced by Earthquake Motions
19-13 Special Precast Structures
19-14 Foundations
Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design
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